Renewal Requirements
ScrumMaster Product Owner Developer Leader Skills Skills Scaling FeePrimary
Professional $250 40 20
Advanced $175 30 15
Foundational $100 20 10

The fee associated with your renewal is based on the highest level certification that you are renewing. The SEU requirement is the Primary SEU amount for the highest level certification. If you have certifications from multiple columns (ScrumMaster, Product Owner, and Developer), include the "Add-on" SEUs for the highest certification from each of the other columns. (There is no extra fee for the additional certifications.)

For example, if you hold CSP-SM, CSP-PO, and CSD certifications, your fee would be for the Professional level at $250 and primary requirement of 40 SEUs. Because you have a second certification at the Professional level, you’d add 20 SEUs and, for the CSD, another 10 SEUs. A total of 70 SEUs and a fee of $250 will renew all your certifications.